The “Da Dao  Traditional Chinese Medicine Case Study Series” aims to showcase the application and effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in various medical cases. Each case provides detailed descriptions of the patient’s symptoms, the TCM diagnostic process, and the outcomes post-treatment. Through in-depth analysis, it highlights TCM’s unique advantages in regulating the balance of Yin and Yang, and harmonizing Qi and blood in the body. These cases cover a wide spectrum from common ailments like insomnia and digestive issues to complex chronic conditions, demonstrating the diverse applications of TCM in treating different diseases. By sharing these cases, it not only enhances understanding of TCM theory and practice but also provides valuable clinical experiences and references for patients and healthcare professionals alike, fostering integrated and personalized health solutions.

Case Study of Insomnia

The patient, has been troubled by chronic insomnia and tinnitus. Since childhood, he has been prone to excessive worry and difficulty falling asleep. He has never felt well-rested for a long time.

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Ms. Wang, 49 years old, presented with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) while taking Western antacids, yet still experiencing excessive stomach acid. Upon further inquiry, Ms. Wang reported digestive issues and frequent diarrhea in addition to acid reflux.

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Uterine fibroids

Ms. Zhang, 51 years old, experienced excessive menstrual bleeding, severe dysmenorrhea, and persistent lower abdominal and pelvic pain, even while lying down, described as a cutting sensation. After an ultrasound at the hospital, she was diagnosed with uterine fibroids and surgery was recommended. Preferring...

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Chronic eczema

Mr. Li, aged 46, suffered from eczema on both legs for over a decade. He had been using Western medicine ointments without success, experiencing intense itching which even injections only temporarily relieved for two to three days. He had been applying ointments for over...

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